• Welcome to Mr. Krueger's Page!
    • Welcome to the 2024 / 2025 school year!

    What you put into your education is what you get out of it. Teachers do not "give" grades. You, as a student, earn them. 

    Please be advised that you will have homework assignments every day and even during all breaks from school (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break). The homework during the breaks from school will be to continue with the weekly lessons on iReady. This is a great time to get some extra credit done with iReady.

    Also, know that I do not accept late work. Each assignment has a due date and time, and it is expected that you honor these deadlines.

    Extra Credit:
    1. Answering more than 10 questions correctly on module tests (out of 12 questions).
    2. Having successfully passed more than the required iReady assignments each week.
    All assignments are posted on Google Classroom each Sunday at 5:00 PM. You have the opportunity to plan your week and even work ahead at your own pace. In the case that you are absent, the assignment is still due on the due date, unless you have an excused absence from being sick or a doctor's note.
    The Week:
    Monday - Desmos Assignment 
    Tuesday - Day one of a lesson
    • Videos
    • Direct Instruction from "Guided Practice" from the book.
    • Homework is titled "Interactive Student Lesson" on the HRW Dashboard.

    Wednesday - Day two of a lesson

    • First 10 minutes of class - Work on "My Path" from iReady 
    • Based on scores from the night before, overall grade in class, or even effort grade, some students stay with me for small group work. Others may work independently of me in pairs or groups. We work on selected problems from the "Independent Practice" section from the book.
    • Homework is titled "homework" on the HRW Dashboard.

    Thursday and Friday repeat Tuesday and Wednesday with a new lesson.



    Test Week:

    When we have a test, the first day will be a practice test, or "Pretest", and the second day will be the actual test. This could happen on Tuesday/Wednesday or Thursday/Friday.

    The test questions can be found in the "Guided Practice" and "Independent Practice" sections of your GoMath Book as well as online in the "Interactive Student Lesson" and "Homework" from the HRW dashboard. These are great places to study from. By the time we take the test, your student has seen the question three to four times if he/she has been doing all of the HRW work.

    Students are allowed to use the book and notes for the first trimester on tests. For the second trimester, they may bring an 8.5-inch x 11-inch sheet of paper with anything written on it (both sides). For the third trimester, they may only bring a 3-inch x 5-inch note card with anything written on it for the test.


    If you miss a test, the make-up day for it will be the following Thursday at 8:00 AM.

    The Playlist:
    1) HRW website ( or log in through "Hello ID) - This website is aligned with the book. Check the dashboard for assignments posted. 
    2) Google Classrooms ( or log in through "Hello ID") - All classroom work is posted here every Sunday night. 
    3) Khan Academy ( or log in through "Hello ID") - Online math class. Videos and examples for extra help.
    4) Delta Math  - Weekly assignments.
    5) iReady (Log in through "Hello ID) - Common Core will need to successfully complete two lessons per week; Honors - three lessons per week.
    6) O'Classrooms () - Basic to advanced math skills. You should visit this several times a week for extra help with math skills.
    Students and parents may check the grade of any class at any time by logging on to the .  The username is the 6-digit school ID and the password is the Google password.
    Any questions? Please email me at kruegerr@cajonvalley.net
    Remember, what you get out of this class is what you put into it. Your effort will greatly affect your grade. 
    I am available Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 AM for extra help (by appointment only). Email me if you need to come in.
    Make-up exams will be scheduled for Thursdays at 8:00 AM.
    Your best bet for success is to form study groups to work together on the assignments and prepare for the tests.
    Thank you,
    Mr. Krueger