• Golden Rules

    1. Be Respectful 
    2. Be Cooperative
    3. Be Prepared
    4. Be an active Participant

    Classroom Expecations

    • Respect each other and our classroom environment, clean up after yourself, no food or drink in the classroom without teacher permission (water only).
    • Be careful with classroom materials and equipment. Do not lean back in chairs. Unsafe behavior during labs will result in an “F” on that lab assignment, exclusion from future lab activities and possible detention or referral.
    • Be kind and work collaboratively with others.
    • Be on time for class, and be prepared to work, to learn, and to participate.  You must be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy.
    • Hats and hoods must be removed before entering the classroom.
    • Cell phones and other hand held electronics (other than calculators) must be turned off and tucked away in your backpack or purse.
    • Gum chewing as well as any airborne objects may result in an immediate detention!

    Academic Grades

    Grades are determined by a point system. Each assignment is given a point value. The point value of an assignment reflects the amount of learning, work, effort, and time an assignment takes. Students earn points from classwork, projects, notebook checks, homework, and tests. Assignments are separated into the following categories:

      • Assessments (Tests, Projects, & Quizzes) 
      • Practice (Classwork, Homework & Labs) 

    A= 100%-89.5% B=89.4%-79.5 C=79.4%-69.5% D=69.4%-59.5% F=59.4% and below

    Late Work

    There is no reason to turn in work late. I do accept late classwork, but points will be deducted as a 'late fee'. Turned in late work must still be of high quality and correct. It must be turned in within 2 weeks of the due date for a maximum score of 70% of total points possible.  If the late assignment is digital, students must email me the title of the assignment with a screenshot so that I know to regrade their work.  


    Excellent attendance at school hugely impacts your student's learning. Every day your student misses in my class will cause him or her to fall behind in learning and struggle to catch back up. Please schedule regular appointments after school or during school breaks. If a student is absent, THEY ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE for completing MISSED WORK. Students will have the number of days they were absent to make up missed work for full credit. After that, work is subject to my late work policy.

    Classwork, notes, quizzes, tests, and project assessments that are missed due to an illness or other excused absence must be made up within the amount of time you were absent.  Missed in-class activities and labs are excused, but students are responsible to review the missed material.

    After an absence, students should check Google Classroom and the absent file for handouts and assignments. I suggest students get the name and number of two “Study Buddies” in the class that you can talk to for clarification of missed work.  Students may also email me with questions.

    Math Homework

    Students will be required to complete at least 45 minutes of iReady My Path each week for math.  This means 1 to 2 passed My Path lessons per week.  iReady lessons are due every Sunday by midnight and count towards their academic grade.  

    Students will also have the opportunity to complete Check Your Understanding (CYU) questions in math most days.  The CYU questions give students the opportunity to monitor their own learning.  Students are usually given time at the end of class to begin working on CYUs.  Although I expect students to complete assigned CYUs, they count as an effort grade only.  Students who complete CYUs are often the most successful at building mathematical skills.      

    Science Homework

    I rarely assign homework for science.  Any classwork that was not finished during class time must be completed as homework and turned in by Friday each week.  

    Citizenship and Effort

    Students receive a grade for both citizenship and effort. Typically, their effort grade mirrors their academic grade. Active participation and quality work completion is a large part of their effort grade. Citizenship grades are based on behavior.  Students start each week with 50 points banked. Students lose citizenship points for not following school rules or classroom expectations.  I will call home if I am seriously concerned. Students get a reflection sheet when they don't follow one of the 4 classroom rules. 

    Students who earn a referral lose their entire week's work of citizenship points.  A referral typically lowers a citizenship grade by a letter grade.  

    Ensuring Student Success

    Look at Parent Connect and your student's planner!  Keep track of your students' assigned work on Google Classroom and their grades on Parent Connect or Student Portal.  Students write their week’s worth of work into their school-appointed planner every Monday. This makes planning ahead very easy. Grades are inputted and reviewed every week. 

    Set up a nightly routine with your student of checking off completed work in their planner, organizing their binder, and plugging in their Chromebook.  

    Classroom Animals and Plants

    My science classroom may have plants and animals.  All are not poisonous or venomous. All students need to wash their hands after handling them.  If you would prefer your student to NOT handle the animals, please email me.