The Anza Team

  • We believe all students are scholars that can achieve and succeed! We, as a professional staff, are here to make it happen.  Academic achievement, student success, and campus safety are our greatest priorities.  The staff is committed to setting high standards and maintaining the best educational environment for all students.  As a staff, we are driven by commitment and excellence.  We expect all of our students to achieve, be engaged in activities, and make good decisions.  

    With a focus on environmental science, robotics, and engineering students learn through hands-on activities building, creating, cooking, and planting.  Students problem solve real world problems and apply these solutions to our campus and community at large.   Anza Elementary is a great place to learn and thrive.  Our parents, students, staff, and community share a sense of honor and pride to be a part of the Anza family.  Students are encouraged to work hard, be positive, and be a contributor to their education. 

    There are numerous ways for parents to get involved.  We offer parenting classes, English classes, family field trips, Parent University, "POP" Power of Parent Training, PTO, School Site Council, English Learner Committee,  and volunteer opportunities.  I welcome you to become involved.  Volunteers partner with us and together we make a positive impact and enrich the educational program.    

    We look forward to partnering with you to make this an exciting and successful year.  Thank you in advance for your support and commitment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (619)588-3116.


Contact Info

  • Front Office:

    Nagham Basheer
    School Office Manager

    Eva Toma
    Maybelle Lugtu
    Office Assistant II


    Support Staff:

    Abigail Poulin
    Ronza Sampor

    Kelsey Lemmon

    Aya Khalil
    David Kremp
    Speech and Language Pathologist

    Danee Parks