• What is TedEd Club?
    TED-Ed Clubs aims to introduce a school-friendly framework that supports students in meeting regularly to discuss, pursue and present their big ideas in the form of short TED-style Talks. We hope to celebrate exceptional student ideas by potentially featuring them at the annual TEDYouth conference or TEDxYouth events.
    Goals of the TedEd Club: 
    • To stimulate and celebrate creative ideas put forth by students from all over the world.
    • To work with a generation of problem solvers, critical thinkers and innovators to make the world a better place.
    • To connect groups of students and educators of all different backgrounds around the world.
    • To be a platform for student ideas.
    • To support students in developing presentation and public speaking skills, so that their ideas can be more easily seen, understood, shared and acted upon.
    • To make an idea--developed and presented by a student--a valuable reference point on a résumé, college application or in a job interview.TEDx Club