Welcome to a new year of school and a new year of PTA. As you start the year, remember that our focus is children; the children in your home, the children in our school and the children in our community.
If this is your first year at Rios Elementary, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to each of you. If you are a returning Robot family, I know that you are as excited as we are to be starting the school year up again.
I am excited to start my 2nd year as your PTA president and can’t wait for the fun to begin. We have a great team of PTA board members this year and we have been working closely with staff and admin to make sure this year is the best yet.
I encourage each and every one of you to become a part of our team. The number one reason to join the PTA is to benefit the children. In doing so, you also help us. But there are many more advantages:
By becoming a PTA member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.
By volunteering with your PTA, you gain valuable experience and personal confidence. It’s an opportunity to put your skills and hobbies to good use, for a good cause.
By getting involved, you’ll be part of the solution, helping to make positive changes.
PTA functions provide opportunities to meet other parents and teachers.
Our goal for this year is to provide as many opportunities for family involvement as possible. Whether it is by volunteering in the classroom or attending events. Parent involvement plays such a huge role in how well our children succeed in life. As working parents we also know how busy life can be. Rios PTA is a great way to help out as little or as much as you can. If you have any questions please reach out to us riosrobotsPTA@gmail.com.
"Every child's potential is a reality..."
Thank you and have a great year!!!