
    Dear W.D. Hall Students and Families, 

    On behalf of the staff at W.D. Hall Elementary School, I am happy to welcome you to the new school year! My name is Julie McClintock and I am the proud principal of W.D. Hall. We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential of academic and social success. We recognize that to be successful in school, our children need support from both home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child's education.

    Our top priority is keeping our students and staff safe, happy and healthy. We are committed to ensuring a responsive school climate so that every student feels safe and ready to learn. We highly value home/school communication at W.D. Hall. It is vital and plays an integral role in each student's success. Please stop by and introduce yourself. I'm excited to meet each and every student and family member. Please also know that you can come to me with concerns at any time. My door is always open to you. 

    We also encourage you to stay in the know about our school activities and other events. Please follow us on Twitter, @WDHall_Hawks. We value your involvement and support in your child's education. Your active participation is key to the success of your young Hawks during his/her elementary years. Please join us for School Site Council (SSC) and English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings.

    Our school is a place alive with energy, enthusiasm and a high standard of excellence. I am honored to serve this community and look forward to a positive and productive year together. Again, we welcome you to W.D. Hall and to our wonderful learning community. Here's to a great new school year as we work together to make our school a great place to learn each day!


    Julie McClintock, Principal