What Does Good Attendance Look Like?


  • logo The CVUSD family wants to ensure that every student participates in school learning opportunities regularly.

    Engaging in school has a huge impact on a student’s success. Families play a key role in supporting participation in school and helping them understand why attendance and engagement is so important.

    When students miss instruction, regardless of the reason, it can cause them to fall behind and get discouraged. Absences can add up quickly. 

    Did you know?  

    Missing 10% of school (2 days a month) can make it harder to:

    • Gain strong skills for future work success

    • Build relationships

    • Develop good habits

    We realize some absences are unavoidable. Please communicate with your child’s school when your child is going to miss instruction so we can ensure that support is available as needed. 

    Let us know how we can best support you and your child so they can participate in instruction on time, every day. 

    Together we can help your child

    Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!

    happy kids