I will send home reading material each Monday. It will include high frequency words, or sight words, in the form of flash cards that can be cut apart. The students will get a new set every Monday so they will add up. Please keep them in a ziplock bag or in an envelope so they can be practiced daily. Please drill your child on reading these sight words every day until s/he can read them without hesitating or sounding them out. Many sight words cannot be sounded out as the students will discover. Being able to read these sight words automatically will help your child to become a fluent reader. I will not be sending home math homework, but after each math unit that we finish in class, I will send home their math workbooks and there are black and white homework pages after each lesson that can be completed at home for extra practice. The materials sent home on Monday need to be returned each Friday. Thanks for your support on this.
I don't send home a lot of busy paperwork for homework as the students work so hard during the school day and I'd really like them to focus on reading at home as much as possible. It is a critical area in first grade. Please read with your child for at least 20 minutes each day--practicing the sight words--(your child can also write them) and reading the material sent home and other books from home that your child might enjoy . If you feel your child needs more, you can have him/her write sentences on various topics in a journal or read extra books from home or the library. There are some learning websites where you can print out language arts and math worksheets if you feel it is really necessary. You can simply search first grade worksheets. Please limit the time spent on devices such as tablets, phones and computers and limit the time spent watching television too. Running around outside (with supervision), and playing games that are not computer related, and participating in sports are all great activities for the brain too!
Thank you for your support with homework. If you have any questions or concerns regarding homwork, please don't hesitate to contact me.